When you have a closet as big and full as I do, one would think you are always thinking fashion, style, combos, etc. But often times I fall into a rut. The same old same old.
I blame a lot of things ...
One of them is that I absolutely hate mornings. Like, with a passion. I cannot wake up to save my life (or my 8:30 meetings). So what happens? I wake up late, I throw my hair in a bun, throw on a "safe" skirt and top combo with some "safe" accessories, and out the door I go.
Well, that does not an exciting, expressive, unique, or inspired style make.
Nope, it does not.
I never have time in the mornings to think, to pair, to try a few things. I am afraid to start trying layering because it takes time and energy to figure it out and I have a fear of stretching my clothes. Yikes!
So I don't do it. Not really.
But I want to try. See, part of it is that I lost 35+ pounds, and now all my clothes look great! I still have a little ways to go, but I am super happy with how things fit! I can layer and not feel like I just look chunkier in the process. I have beautiful clothes, but why do they always have to be worn so predictably? Layer them. Throw patterns together. Mix and match accessories. Have fun. That's what style is all about. Having fun and being you.
So this blog is my daily test. To style it up. To mix it up. To make it truly iunique (get it, see what I did there?). I want to get dressed in the morning and think: would this be blog-worthy? Instagram-worthy? Heck yeah!
So follow along. Let me know what you think!
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